The Ultimate "Bride and Groom Quiz" Question Collection for a Fun and Engaging Wedding After-Party!
2017.04.28 published
A classic game for wedding after-parties: "Bride and Groom Quiz"*
Speaking of classic games for wedding after-parties, it's the Bride and Groom Quiz♡
Questions like "What did the groom say when he proposed to the bride?" and "How many times did they argue during wedding preparations?" are sure to get all the guests excited**
It’s fun to use a true/false format, and increasing the difficulty with multiple choice options (three or five choices) is also recommended!
This popular game allows guests to catch glimpses of the couple’s love story and unexpected sides of them♡
I want to know the questions for the Bride and Groom Quiz!!
A great way to liven up the after-party games is the Bride and Groom Quiz. However, it can be tricky to come up with actual questions...!
So this time, I will introduce some questions for the Bride and Groom Quiz♡ Feel free to use them as references for your game♩
~Summary of the Bride and Groom Quiz~
What is the correct combination of the bride and groom's blood types?
Where did they first meet?
What was their first impression of each other?
What body part does the other person like the most?
After how many dates did they start dating?
Where was their first date?
What does the groom want the bride to improve?
After how many months of dating did the groom propose?
What were the words of the proposal?
Where did the proposal take place?
Where are they going for their honeymoon?
What was their memorable date?
How many times did they argue while preparing for the wedding?
Who usually takes the lead in the relationship?
What do they want to promise each other will remain unchanged in 50 years?
How many children do they want?
What do they like about each other?
What is the bride's favorite dish cooked by the groom?
What was the best gift they've ever received?
Who is the bigger spender, the bride or groom?
What size is their bed?
What was the title of the first movie they watched together?
If the world were to end in one day, what would they want to do?
What are the reasons for any conflicts they've had?
Who gives in first when they argue?
Are there any secrets they keep from each other?
Who shares the same birthday as them?
【Advanced Edition】~Summary of the Bride and Groom Quiz~
Now I will introduce some advanced Bride and Groom Quiz questions that require practical answer-checking or the use of a projector*
It requires a bit more preparation and effort to implement on the day, but these quizzes are sure to be a hit!♡
How many squats can the groom do while carrying the bride in a princess carry?
Can the groom identify the bride's hand while blindfolded?
How many marshmallows can the groom fit in his mouth?
How long can the groom last kissing in front of everyone?
Can the groom identify the bride's voice speaking through a megaphone while blindfolded?
~*Using a projector*~
Which of the following photos is of the bride and groom as children?
Which one is their new home?
Which one is the groom's family home?
Which are their pets?
What are the bride and groom's treasures?
Which room belongs to the groom's family?
Let's spice up the wedding after-party with the Bride and Groom Quiz*
I introduced the Bride and Groom Quiz, a game that is sure to liven up the wedding after-party◎
What I provided is just one example, but incorporating memories from their student days or specific stories related to the couple will enhance the experience even more*
Be sure to play the Bride and Groom Quiz to make the wedding after-party exciting♩