"You're Sure to be Happy When You Receive It♡ It's Cute to Attach a Little Gift to Your Save the Date and Say 'Here You Go!♡'"

2017.05.15 published
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How do you give a save-the-date?

How do you announce the wedding date with a save-the-date?

In some countries, it seems there is a custom of giving just a save-the-date card, but in Japan, it is still common to include it with the invitation.

Originally, a save-the-date serves the purpose of confirming attendance before sending the invitations, asking, "We're having our wedding on this date; can we invite you? Will you come?"

It's a paper item that replaces the kind of verbal or LINE conversations that many couples are currently having.

So ideally, I would love to give just the save-the-date first, but since this culture hasn’t really taken hold in Japan yet,

friends might be surprised…???

I found a lovely idea to blow away such doubts ♡

It's cute to attach a save-the-date tag to a small gift and hand it over ♡

If guests received just the save-the-date paper printed with engagement photos and the wedding date, they might be shocked,

but if you attach a save-the-date tag to a small treat like this and simply hand it over saying "Here you go ♡," it's casual, and I'm sure everyone will appreciate the treat—it’s a wonderful idea, don't you think?

The treat can be something inexpensive, costing under 100 yen per person*

Receiving a cute surprise will surely make your friends excited for the wedding as guests too ♡

Brides overseas also give save-the-date gifts like this*

Many brides abroad seem to send save-the-dates with gifts.

For example, here’s a somewhat luxurious-looking cookie with the wrapping designed as a save-the-date.

There’s also the idea of making and gifting a necklace in the shape of a calendar...!!

Some people even embroider the save-the-date message and wedding date onto handkerchiefs to give them as gifts. Isn’t that super stylish?

I would love for everyone to bring matching ones on the wedding day too ♡

Let’s enjoy the wedding even more ♡

Wedding preparations are a joint effort for couples. For women, it's a major event in their lives, so the winner is the one who enjoys it the most♡

From the moment of conveying the wedding date to friends, let’s get creative and have even more fun with save-the-date timing and wedding preparations! ♩

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