Not Just Leaving It to Chance: How Do People Choose the Perfect Bouquet for the Flower Presentation Ceremony?

2018.03.30 published
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〔Emotional Scene〕What Kind of Bouquet Would You Give Your Parents?

At the end of the reception, during the parents' gift presentation scene, a "bouquet" is presented to the mother, and a memento is given to the father, right?*

Common mementos include a parenting appreciation certificate, a three-way clock, or the weight of the bride and groom in rice, but have you decided on what design to choose for the "bouquet"?

☑ Leave it up to the venue

☑ Just convey the vibe and budget, then leave the rest to them

☑ Specify the flowers and colors only

☑ Specify the flowers, colors, arrangement, and design

There are various ways to choose a bouquet depending on the bride, but ultimately, presenting a bouquet that makes parents happy is the most important thing, right?♡

And to achieve that, it's essential to carefully select the flowers ourselves!!!

Not Just Leaving It to Chance: How Do People Choose the Perfect Bouquet for the Flower Presentation Ceremony?にて紹介している画像

What kind of bouquet have past brides actually given to their parents, and what meanings did they convey?

Here are some bouquet pics from wedding reports featuring past brides during the bouquet presentation scene♩

Bouquet Choice for Presentation 1*

We discovered a bride who presented a bouquet of bright red roses*

What she focused on was the number of roses! She packed in 31 roses for her age and 34 roses for her groom’s age, totaling a rose for each year of their lives*

Giving roses that represent the number of years lived is such a romantic and wonderful surprise♡

Bouquet Choice for Presentation 2*

This bride is a big fan of Beauty and the Beast*

A bouquet primarily featuring bright yellow flowers perfectly embodies the world of Beauty and the Beast♩

Choosing flower colors based on the wedding theme to create the bouquet adds to the overall cohesiveness, which is a great idea♡

Bouquet Choice for Presentation 3*

When it comes to flowers for Mother's Day, the carnation, which symbolizes "mother's love," is quintessential♡

Creating a large bouquet with these carnations to present at the wedding is also a great recommendation*

Selecting flowers that align with the season and events on the wedding day might bring extra joy♩

Bouquet Choice for Presentation 4

This bride presented her parents with a large bouquet in red and white colors♡

The red and white colors are perfect for weddings, and they are especially bright and beautiful◎

They also look great with traditional Japanese attire, making them particularly recommended for brides in a white kimono or colorful uchikake at the reception♩

What Kind of Bouquet Will You Present to Your Cherished Parents?

What do you think? We introduced some bouquet pics from past brides that they would like to present during the climactic bouquet presentation scene of their receptions*

Bouquets are a classic gift, and since they are given to our important parents, it's essential to offer a beautiful bouquet with a proper meaning behind it, right?♡

Take inspiration from the "bouquets" chosen by past brides, and don't hesitate to focus on the type of flowers, colors, and designs!♩

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