Be Careful Not to Trip or Slouch! Tips for Walking Down the Stairs in a Wedding Dress *

2019.12.03 published
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Is there a scene walking down "stairs" in a dress?

Future brides, will there be a scene of walking down "stairs" on the wedding day, during pre-shoots or post-shoots?

If there is a large staircase in front of the chapel, or if the entrance or re-entry is from a staircase in the reception hall, or if there is a staircase in the lobby, there are quite a few scenes of walking down stairs during the wedding!

Stairs resemble the scene where Cinderella heads to the ball or where Belle dances with the Beast in Beauty and the Beast, making it romantic, right? ♩

Be Careful Not to Trip or Slouch! Tips for Walking Down the Stairs in a Wedding Dress *にて紹介している画像

What happens if you fail the scene walking down the stairs?

It’s a very romantic and lovely scene, but...

If you can’t walk gracefully down the stairs, it might turn into a disaster. For example,

✓ You might end up slouching and looking sloppy

✓ The dress skirt might catch on your feet

✓ You might trip

✓ You might grip the groom's arm tightly, which could make him unable to walk down the stairs smoothly

✓ You might not be able to face the guests

✓ You might get so nervous about the stairs that you don't remember anything

✓ You might be so focused on not falling that your face becomes stiff

✓ You might step on the dress hem and stop or fall

✓ You might lift the dress too much, exposing your shoes and feet

If you can't walk well down the stairs, things might turn out like this...!

So, how can you walk beautifully down the stairs in a dress? Let’s find out ♩

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How to walk beautifully down the stairs in a dress① Look Ahead

When walking down the stairs in a dress, it’s essential to look straight ahead!

You might feel scared of tripping and want to look down, but even looking down won’t help much as the dress skirt will be in the way, blocking your view.

Not only can’t you see, but lowering your gaze will cause the dress skirt to come even further forward, making it even harder to walk.

Therefore, when walking down the stairs in a dress, it is important to keep your eyes forward◎

Don’t look down, keep looking ahead, and walk down the stairs without fear♩

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How to walk beautifully down the stairs in a dress② Correct Your Posture

When walking down the stairs in a dress, it’s easy to become slouched by looking down. Even though it’s a beautiful stair scene, slouching will diminish your beauty.

So, when walking down the stairs, make sure to keep your posture straight◎ Imagine there’s a ruler keeping your back straight from your waist, and consciously open your shoulders♩

How to walk beautifully down the stairs in a dress③ Kick the Dress

Just like when you walk normally, try to "kick the dress" when walking down the stairs*

Walking as if you are kicking the dress will prevent you from stepping on the skirt with your shoes♩

However, be careful not to kick too hard, as it may make a loud "bang" sound or appear unnatural◎

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How to walk beautifully down the stairs in a dress④ Right Hand with Groom's Left Hand, Left Hand with Railing, Bouquet, or Dress

When walking down the stairs in a wedding dress, it’s also important to position your hands with the groom*

Generally, when walking, the groom is on your right side, and the bride is on the left.

However, if there are guests on one side of the stairs, the bride will walk on the guest side* This is to make the bride's dress more visible◎

In cases like a flower shower at the stairs, where there are guests on both sides, it should ideally go as usual with the groom on the right and the bride on the left*

Be Careful Not to Trip or Slouch! Tips for Walking Down the Stairs in a Wedding Dress *にて紹介している画像

There are several positions for the hands* (Depending on the stair's position, the left and right may switch)

✓ Right Hand: Groom's Left Hand, Left Hand: Bouquet

✓ Right Hand: Groom's Left Hand, Left Hand: Railing

✓ Right Hand: Groom's Left Hand, Left Hand: Petticoat

✓ Right Hand: Petticoat, Left Hand: Railing

Typically, it's better for the right hand to be on the groom's left hand and the left hand to hold the bouquet. However,

Brides who feel uneasy while walking can hold the railing or the petticoat* If you can practice in advance, try doing so to find the most comfortable way to walk♩

Additionally, it’s usually good to have one hand being escorted by the groom, but if you feel particularly anxious, you can also opt to hold the petticoat and railing◎

How to walk beautifully down the stairs in a dress⑤ If Holding the Dress, Hold a Little of the Petticoat Wire

For brides who want to lift the dress while walking down the stairs, it's recommended to hold the petticoat wire instead of the dress skirt♩

If you hold only the dress skirt, the petticoat might become visible, and for dresses that are layered, you might only be holding the top but not the bottom...

Therefore, if you are going to hold the dress, the correct approach is to hold the petticoat wire. If you lift the petticoat wire upwards, you will be able to walk beautifully♩

Be Conscious of Your Walking Style and Walk Beautifully Down the Stairs*

I’ve introduced how to walk beautifully down the stairs* If your stair walking technique is poor, you might trip, so it’s essential to consciously walk beautifully♩

Please practice walking beautifully down the stairs and create a romantic scene♡

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