The Ultimate Scene to Practice?! 6 Key Points to Ensure a Beautiful First Bite
2021.02.28 published
It's difficult to get a beautiful "Ahh" moment!
When you think of wedding traditions, the first bite comes to mind. However, if you search for "first bite,"
you'll find tons of comical photos and scenes of the bride feeding cake to the groom (using big spoons, shovels, etc.).
But on the other hand, photos of the groom feeding cake to the bride with a cute "Ahh" moment are nearly impossible to find....
Is it just me, or do you feel the same?!?
The reason why you can't find many photos of the bride being fed cake... is somewhat understandable.
The "Ahh" moment is quite tricky to pull off cutely. It tends not to look as adorable as in comics, dramas, or commercials; it's a rather delicate scene...!!
That’s why the photos uploaded on Instagram often feature moments "before being fed" or "after being fed."
I want to do my best to get a cute "Ahh"!
Getting fed cake in a cute way is no easy feat. But it's a once-in-a-lifetime event!
Don't you think it would be a shame if a significant performance like the first bite ended up looking unflattering in photos?
Getting cute photos means, of course, that the guests can also witness a truly beautiful posture and expression during the event,
so it's definitely worth keeping that in mind.
Here are some tips to help the bride look beautiful when the groom feeds her wedding cake during the first bite!*
Tip #1: Don't raise your chin!
This is the most important thing to watch out for.
The moment of saying "Ahh" can be nerve-wracking, and you might exaggerate your movements more than usual because you know everyone's watching.
One crucial aspect to pay attention to is your "face angle." Many brides tend to tilt their necks excessively, so be careful!
During the "Ahh" moment, there's no need to look up. It's perfectly fine to gaze straight at the groom♡
If your chin is raised, it may come off looking unflattering, almost like you're trying to catch something, and worst of all, if you look too far up, you might even roll your eyes back, so be cautious!*
Tip #2: Keep the spoon at mouth level!
To avoid raising your chin, the groom's support is also necessary.
If the wedding cake coming from the groom's spoon or fork is at an overhead angle, you’ll definitely have to look up to eat it.
So make sure to clearly communicate with your groom.
"Absolutely keep the spoon level when you feed me during the first bite! Don’t let it come from above!"
This is extremely important, so it would be best to practice it several times at home!
Tip #3: Opt for strawberries over whipped cream.
What to prioritize for a beautiful first bite? It is, "Let's get fed fruits like strawberries instead of whipped cream."
It could be strawberries, pineapples, kiwis, grapefruits—anything really.
The key point is to choose solid items with defined shapes over fluffy ones that might get messy in the mouth!
Sponge cake and whipped cream are unstable and can easily get stuck around your mouth.
The moment of "Oh no! Whipped cream got on me♡" is adorable, but that’s only when it’s a case of "I ate it cleanly, but a little got on me."
Rather than aiming for miraculous moments like those of idols or manga protagonists, it’s more reliable and beautiful to get a "small bite of a solid item."
This way, you can take a beautiful bite without opening your mouth too wide.
So while we completely understand the desire to enjoy the delicious whipped cream and cake,
for the sake of graceful eating, it’s best to keep those urges in check and only eat fruits.
If the strawberries have stems, definitely choose ones without them!*

Tip #4: If possible, use a fork.
When it comes to the utensils used for being fed, it's best to choose small and sleek ones.
Especially, spoons are round and curved, making it easy to scoop too much, plus they can be difficult to fit in the mouth.
Surprisingly, spoons can be larger than expected, requiring a big mouth open and causing whipped cream to end up around your face.
Thus, if you’re being fed cake during the first bite, a fork is recommended over a spoon.
With a fork, the serving size is limited, and it’s easier to aim for that perfect "Ahh" moment, don't you think?