Isn't that incorrect English?! The correct way to say "What color is the dress for the outfit change?"
2020.05.07 published
I Want to Do a Dress Color Guessing Game♡
The "Dress Color Guessing Game" is extremely popular as a wedding reception entertainment!*
Guests will predict the color of the colored dress the bride will wear after her outfit change, and those who guess correctly can win prizes through a lottery!
It's a fun performance that involves guests...♡
However, even though it's a classic performance among brides,
for guests who might only attend weddings a few times a year, it can be rare and refreshing, and some may not even know about the performance itself...!
That's why the explanation board for the "Dress Color Guessing Game" is an important item!*
But, is that English phrase really correct?*
On the explanation board for the "Dress Color Guessing Game,"
we write a message like
"Please predict the color of the dress the bride will wear after her outfit change. We also have prizes for those who guess correctly through a draw."
To make it more stylish, it's a common idea to translate the sentence "What color is the bride's dress?" into English and write that phrase too!♡
But recently, I have heard stories from some brides who regretted using an English phrase that was grammatically incorrect...!
Indeed, while it may seem like just one phrase, it’s precisely because it’s only one phrase that one doesn’t want to be labeled as "not smart" due to a grammatical error... ><...
So in this article, I will explain the correct English phrases for the "Dress Color Guessing Game" and points that are easy to mistake!*
①What color do you think?
The most standard English phrase among brides is this one*
[Correct] What color do you think? = What color do you think?♡
It’s a simple and very clear sentence!
A point that is easy to confuse is the mistake of writing [Incorrect] What's color do you think? by adding an apostrophe and 's' to What.
The be verb 'is' and the general verb 'do' basically don't coexist in the same sentence, so be careful not to mistakenly use What's on a whim!
②What color is the dress?
Next, I'm introducing another very simple English question*
[Correct] What color is the dress? = What color is the dress? This phrase is lovely♩
A point that is easy to confuse is the same mistake as before: writing [Incorrect] What's color is the dress? by adding an apostrophe and 's' after What.
Even though it's very basic, brides who feel nervous about English should pay close attention to this!*
You’ll be fine if you use the two phrases introduced!
How was that? I introduced two correct English phrases for the popular wedding reception performance, "Dress Color Guessing Game"!*
In the joyful atmosphere of a wedding, even if the English phrase is grammatically incorrect, there likely won’t be anyone to point it out.
But still, it’s the bride’s heart to want to DIY with the correct English phrases!
Brides who are going to create an explanation board for the "Dress Color Guessing Game," please keep the points I introduced this time in mind as you DIY!*
➡Here’s the list of articles about the Dress Color Guessing Game*