Exciting and Thrilling Wedding Reception Performance: Have You Heard of the Guest Participation 'Gift Relay'?
2018.03.19 published
The "Present Relay" Reception Game is Fun ♡
Have you heard about the "Present Relay," which is gradually becoming popular as a performance for receptions and after parties?
The "Present Relay" is a surprise event organized by the bride and groom for their guests*
The standard method is as follows:
① The bride and groom prepare multiple gifts.
② Each gift has a mission attached, such as "Pass it to someone who seems athletic" or "Pass it to someone who looks interesting."
③ Guests who receive the gift move around the venue and relay the next present to someone else.
It's a really fun game of literally "relaying presents"!
Its Appeal Lies in These Three Points*
☑ Everyone has a chance to get a gift (as it gets passed around)
☑ The unpredictable movements of guests create excitement throughout the venue
☑ Since it’s still a rare performance, it will be a memorable experience

After searching on Instagram, I found two brides who actually did the "Present Relay" at their weddings!
Here are some interesting methods they used ♩
How to Do the "Present Relay"* Pattern ①
The first idea I'm introducing is from a bride who prepared just one gift layered with seven bags*
For preparation, she simply attached prompts to each bag saying "Pass it to someone who looks athletic," "Pass it to someone you find interesting," or "Pass it to someone of your ideal type!"
Then, the groom handed the large present to a friend of the bride, and the "Present Relay" started!
Each time a bag was opened, the prompt inside excited the receiver, making them look around and wander around the venue, boosting the atmosphere*
The seventh person got the gift, but of course, no one knew who would end up with it...!
So inside the present, she included items that both men and women would like, such as Starbucks coffee and LUSH soap♡
How to Do the "Present Relay"* Pattern ②
Next, let me introduce an idea from another bride who used a "Russian doll-style box" containing several boxes of different sizes*
To start, the bride and groom handed a large present to the youngest guest, a four-year-old girl♩
The prompt on that box was "Who is the coolest big brother here?"*
From there, they continued to have prompts like "Who is your type?" until it reached the final box...
At the last box, a mission appeared that said, "Everyone has a chance at the end."
That mission was to call multiple guests who had marks on the back of their seating chart near the head table to ultimately play rock-paper-scissors, and the winner would get the present♡
It's great that the final prompt allows everyone to participate as well♩
Excitement and Anticipation! I'm Curious About the "Present Relay" ♡
How did you find it? I introduced the guest-participation event, the "Present Relay" for receptions and after parties*
The thrill of not knowing who it will come to (which means everyone has a chance to win) makes it an exciting and enjoyable game♡
It would be great if guests who participated in the gift relay could be thanked after the wedding♩
If you are an interested bride, why not try including the "Present Relay" in your event??