10 Ribbons per Guest! 3 Ways to Create a Large Quantity of Ribbons for Your Ribbon Shower*

2017.07.21 published
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We will do a ribbon shower performance at the ceremony ♡

The ribbon shower is a popular performance after the ceremony ♡

There are various types of showers like flower showers and star showers,

but among these, the ribbon shower has the charm of creating a feminine and cute atmosphere*

It's also great that it blends naturally when mixed with other types of showers without being too overpowering ♡

10 Ribbons per Guest! 3 Ways to Create a Large Quantity of Ribbons for Your Ribbon Shower*にて紹介している画像

We have to mass-produce ribbons!

Once you've decided to do a ribbon shower, what you need to do is mass-produce ribbons*

Typically, it’s calculated to prepare about 10 ribbons per person ♡

Therefore, if you have 30 guests at your ceremony, you'll need over 300 ribbons, and for 50 guests, you'll need over 500 ribbons!

Considering that, it might seem like a lot of work, but brides everywhere are diligently DIY-ing to make their ribbon showers a success ♩

10 Ribbons per Guest! 3 Ways to Create a Large Quantity of Ribbons for Your Ribbon Shower*にて紹介している画像

In this article, we will introduce 3 methods for making ribbons*

How to make ribbons① Tie them yourself

First, I will introduce how to tie ribbons by hand without using any tools* (Please see the images clockwise starting from the top left!)

Step 1* Hold the ribbon in your right hand as shown in the top left diagram.

Step 2* Wrap it around to the back and hold it between your right hand’s index and middle fingers (mid-top).

Step 3* Bring it back around to the front (top right).

Step 4* Take the ribbon from step 2 to the back and pass it through the loop where your index finger is (bottom left).

Step 5* Pull the ribbon from step 4 and the original ribbon together to adjust the length.

Step 6* Once you've adjusted the length and shape, cut the ends of the ribbon diagonally with scissors.

10 Ribbons per Guest! 3 Ways to Create a Large Quantity of Ribbons for Your Ribbon Shower*にて紹介している画像

How to make ribbons② Use a divider board

Next, I will introduce how to use a divider board (cut into 4 pieces) that you can buy at a 100 yen shop to make ribbons*

Step 1* Hook the ribbon around the divider board (making sure that the starting part of the ribbon is at the bottom right).

Step 2* Pass the end of the ribbon through the middle of the divider board (be careful not to twist the ribbon).

Step 3* Pass the longer end of the ribbon through the middle of the divider board, and once it’s through, tighten it.

Step 4* Flip the divider board over and tie the two ribbons together.

Step 5* Adjust the length of the ends, cut them, and then remove them from the divider board to complete!

I think watching a video will help you grasp the technique better, so please check it out♩

How to make ribbons③ Purchase them

Finally, I’ll introduce an idea recommended for brides who are short on time*

Instead of making the ribbons yourself, you can purchase pre-made ribbons ◎

They are available on sites like Amazon, Rakuten, Minne, and Creema, so feel free to choose ribbons in your favorite colors and materials♩

➡Check out a pack of 300 ribbons on Amazon*

By the way, here's how to finish them off*

By the way, it's also an important step to process the ribbons after DIY-ing them to prevent fraying*

The easiest way to do this is shown in this video.

Simply bring the end of the ribbon close to a candle and melt it a little to complete the finishing process♩

Organza ribbons are particularly prone to fraying, so be sure to try it out♡

Which method will you use to prepare the ribbons?*

How was that? I introduced methods to create ribbons for the popular wedding performance, the ribbon shower*

What method do you plan to use to prepare your ribbons?

Do your best with the DIY, and have a wonderful time with the ribbon shower♡

10 Ribbons per Guest! 3 Ways to Create a Large Quantity of Ribbons for Your Ribbon Shower*にて紹介している画像

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