Rare and Wonderful! 6 Wedding Ceremony Ideas That I Loved After Attending Over 10 Weddings
2021.01.09 published
Graduation Flower Reports are a Treasure Trove of Ideas ♡
Around me, there is a rush of weddings happening, and since this year began, there has been almost a wedding every month ♡
Every time I attend a wedding, I think, "Weddings are such wonderful things." I am truly moved each time ♩
The moments that especially make my heart race and fill me with excitement are when I encounter unique performances that convey the person’s individuality ♡
I can feel it when I look at wedding reports from graduates on Instagram, that recently many brides are incorporating unusual performances that break the mold.
There are so many performances that make you think, "How did you come up with that??" and "This is amazing!" The reports from graduates are truly a treasure trove of ideas.
This time, I will carefully introduce some ideas that I thought were particularly "cool!" from these wonderful wedding reports ♡
Unique Wedding Performance I Thought Was Cool ①
The first idea I want to introduce is the message card concept. Many people write individual messages to guests on the back of their place cards.
When you start writing without thinking about the content, it usually begins with "Thank you for coming" and ends with "Enjoy today!" doesn’t it?
I struggled when I had to write 50 place card messages for my own wedding, coming up with only clichéd sentences. Looking back, I thought, "With that content, it wouldn't be moving…", feeling a bit regretful.

That’s why I was so impressed with this bride’s idea ♡
Instead of writing a message (words of gratitude) on a plain white card spontaneously, she used pre-printed cards with:
☑ 'Their individuality'
☑ 'Things I like about them'
☑ 'Things I respect about them'
And wrote feelings for each guest.
There’s no one who wouldn’t be happy to hear what someone likes or respects about them, right? They must think, "You felt that way about me!" and be touched.
If you include an episode that explains why you felt that way, they might remember it and shed a tear.
For guests, it will surely become the best message card they've ever received*
Unique Wedding Performance I Thought Was Cool ②
There are various "toss" performances at weddings like bouquet toss, candy toss, and broccoli toss… but this couple performed a "floatie toss"!
As it was a summer wedding, and the ceremony date was close to Marine Day, they wanted to bring in a summer vibe ♡ If a big heart-shaped floatie were thrown, it would certainly surprise everyone*
The large heart-shaped floatie was extremely well-received by the guests! It also served as a photo prop on the day.
If you’re thinking of doing an unusual toss performance, why not try the "floatie toss"?
There are many cute and unique floaties other than hearts, like pineapples and donuts too! ♡
➡ Check out the cute floaties article here ♡
Unique Wedding Performance I Thought Was Cool ③
One bride displayed 3 to 4 memorable photos with each guest on their guest tables. The guests were all delighted.
In the flow of the wedding, securing time for guests to reminisce about memories with each other while looking at photos can be very challenging. While you can include lots of photos in a profile book, it tends to focus primarily on the bride and groom, and photos of guests in a profile movie only flash by for a moment.
In this regard, having a few photos taken together on the guest tables allows everyone to look at them throughout the reception and can spark slow, enjoyable conversations like "It was like this back then." ♡
It might also be nice to place photos with grandparents who couldn't attend the wedding on the family tables. It creates a feeling that they are watching over the wedding, too ♡
The preparation for this hospitality performance is very simple. When searching for photos for the profile movie from the album, just pick out photos that include guests and place them in photo frames! It can be prepared without taking much time and is guaranteed to be a hit with guests!*
Unique Wedding Performance I Thought Was Cool ④
Next, I want to introduce a performance at a welcome party that offers hospitality to guests during the waiting time before the reception ♡
At welcome parties, it’s standard to serve finger foods on plates, but…
At this welcome party, the finger foods were arranged not on plates, but on a life-sized game board!
This game board is actually a custom sheet that illustrates the couple’s life from birth to their meeting as a life game ♡
It’s a wonderful idea that allows guests to enjoy light snacks while reading about their upbringing and love story!
If you’re considering a welcome party, why not try this?*
Unique Wedding Performance I Thought Was Cool ⑤
Next, I want to introduce a guest participatory performance during the reception.
Guests were divided into groups to write down the characteristics and handling points of the bride and groom to create "the couple's handling manual," a unique performance ♡
It was full of insightful comments that made them laugh, including aspects they hadn't really thought about themselves or things like, "You really understand me well!"
The compiled "handling manuals" will become lifelong treasures ♩
Unique Wedding Performance I Thought Was Cool ⑥
Lastly, I want to introduce a letter performance from both families' mothers to the bride and groom.
In addition to the classic "bride’s letter," there has been an increase in "groom’s letters" recently, but "letters from both families" is rare. Especially, while the groom's father gives a final speech, the mother doesn’t often have a chance to speak in front of guests during the wedding, adding a special touch! ♡
Hearing the family's feelings as they send off the couple brings tears to the guests. It’s a moving performance that deepens family bonds during the reception.
I introduced some unique wedding performances ♡
I showcased wonderful wedding ideas that you rarely encounter in actual weddings or even on social media.
You can’t help but wonder, “How do they come up with such wonderful performances?” for each one ♡
For guests, it surely would have been an impressive wedding. For all you future brides and grooms planning to get married, definitely use this as a reference!
➡ There are more performances that I thought were cool in this article ♩