3 Trendy Yet Challenging English Phrases to Elevate Your Style! ♡

2017.10.07 published
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Let's Study Some Quirky English Phrases*

When designing your own wedding welcome items or paper goods, it's common to include stylish English phrases*

For example, popular classic phrases often seen are:

☑ "Happily ever after"

☑ "Eat, Drink and Be Married"

Among others! However, recently, it seems that more brides are choosing English phrases that are less known and harder to translate than these tried-and-true phrases♩

Unique English phrases have the potential to generate curiosity among guests, making them think, "What does this mean?"♡

So this time, I will introduce three slightly challenging English phrases that are gradually gaining popularity among brides*

Slightly Challenging English Phrase ① MEANT TO BE

"MEANT TO BE" means "It was destined to happen"♡

The phrase meant to be has the connotation of being suppose to be or ought to be, so using this phrase at a wedding conveys that:

◆ It was destined that the two were to meet

◆ It was meant for them to love each other

These are romantically fateful words*

This expression is often used in overseas romantic dramas, so it's definitely worth remembering♩

Slightly Challenging English Phrase ② Tie the Knot

"Tie the Knot" remarkably means "to get married"♡

Originally, tie means to bind, and knot means a knot, so when put together,

it evolved from creating a knot to mean "getting married"*

There are many similar expressions like Just Married or Happy Wedding, but

if you're looking to design items with a slightly different and stylish atmosphere, try using "Tie the Knot"♩

Slightly Challenging English Phrase ③ KEEP CALM and MARRY ON

"KEEP CALM and MARRY ON" means "Please marry me"♡

Yes, it's a proposal phrase!

While the phrase doesn't exist in standard grammar,

keep calm means to remain calm, and marry on means to get married; hence,

it is interpreted as calmly (seriously), let's get married = "Please marry me"*

While it's certainly rare for men to use this phrase when proposing, it would certainly stand out well when used as part of welcome items or paper goods♡

Use This as Reference When DIY'ing as a Bride!

I introduced some unique and slightly obscure English phrases that are gradually gaining traction among Japanese brides*


② Tie the Knot


Did you remember the meaning of all three?♡

Use them as reference when creating your welcome board, profile book, love story, or photo booth background♩

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