Just Like Cinderella♡ How to Capture Photos of Running with Your Wedding Dress Hem Gathered*のトップ画像

Just Like Cinderella♡ How to Capture Photos of Running with Your Wedding Dress Hem Gathered*

2017.10.26 published
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What is a Cinderella-style wedding photo?

Every girl has dreamed of being the Disney princess Cinderella at least once.

A famous scene from the story is the emotional reunion where the prince puts the perfect shoe on Cinderella ♡

Many brides are taking photos where their partner helps them with their bridal shoes, imitating that moment ♩

It’s a very romantic image that makes you feel all dreamy...!

The pose of holding the hem of the dress while running is also popular *

Recently, wedding photos imitating the scene of holding the hem of the dress and running have also become a trend ♡

Take a look at this photo!

The bride looks like she is doing her best to run while holding the hem of her dress,

Just like Cinderella who has to hurriedly return from the ball before the magic bestowed by her fairy godmother wears off at midnight.

It’s incredibly cute, resembling Cinderella in a panic to get home ***

Though the situation and expression differ, this is exactly a Cinderella-style wedding photo ♩

The back view also has a Cinderella vibe *

While front shots are recommended, this back view shot is also full of Cinderella essence ♡

Since she is holding the hem of her dress, the skirt looks fluffy and is a cute point.

Looking slightly down also enhances the resemblance to that scene ♩

Be sure to take photos from both the front and back angles ♡

Let’s take Cinderella-style wedding photos!

How was that? There are various ways to take Cinderella-style wedding photos...

What’s trendy now are fun and cute photos of holding the hem of the dress while running ♡

Cinderella, hurriedly leaving her beloved prince behind, not wanting to be seen in her tattered rags after the magic wears off.

Let’s try to capture that bittersweet yet romantic scene by taking Cinderella-style wedding photos during pre-wedding or post-wedding sessions ♩

Just Like Cinderella♡ How to Capture Photos of Running with Your Wedding Dress Hem Gathered*にて紹介している画像

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