No Worries If the Bank is Closed! A Trick to Turn Wrinkled Bills at Home into Crisp Notesのトップ画像

No Worries If the Bank is Closed! A Trick to Turn Wrinkled Bills at Home into Crisp Notes

2019.05.17 published
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Need new bills! But the bank is closed…! Haven't you experienced that?

Whether you're holding a wedding or being invited to one, "new bills" are necessary.

When giving transportation allowances or tips, or when wrapping your wedding gift, it's considered good manners to use fresh, wrinkle-free new bills, instead of crinkled ones, to show respect to the recipient.

Before a celebratory event, you usually go to the bank in advance to exchange your bills for new ones, right? ◎


"The wedding is tomorrow, and I forgot to prepare the money gift!" "I had new bills for the transportation fee, but I was one bill short!"

There are times when you suddenly need new bills outside of banking hours.

Banks are only open from morning to evening on weekdays, so if you work, there may not be a time to go, and especially on the day of a weekend or holiday wedding, they are definitely closed. This can make it quite challenging to prepare your new bills by the day before.

(Also for New Year's monetary gifts!)

Many people may find themselves in a dilemma, feeling troubled that the bank is closed and they’re hesitant to give wrinkled bills. However, the good news is that you can actually turn regular bills into new ones using items you have at home!

In this article, I will introduce two methods for creating new bills that can come in handy in such situations. ♩

Method 1 for Making New Bills: Use Grated Daikon

The first method I’ll introduce uses, surprisingly, “grated daikon!”

① Grate the daikon

② Wrap the grated daikon in paper towels

③ Moisten the bills with the grated daikon wrapped in the paper towels

④ Iron the bills with a low-temperature iron

And just like that, you're done! ♡

You may be wondering, "Why grated daikon?" The banknotes are printed on paper that has starch coated on it, and the components in grated daikon can soften the starch.

When you iron it in that state, the moisture evaporates, and the starch hardens, resulting in bills that look as fresh as new!

Be careful not to iron the holographic parts when you do it.*

Method 2 for Making New Bills: Use a Hair Iron

The second method is the hair iron method for creating new bills.*

① Moisten the bills with a tissue or cloth

② Apply a hair iron (at 100°)

That's it, you're done! ♡

The method with grated daikon may yield prettier new bills, but for those saying, "I don't have daikon at home!" or "I don't have time to grate daikon!" using a hair iron is recommended!*

Useful in a Pinch! Remember how to make new bills ♩

I've shared how to transform ordinary bills into new ones!*

In case of emergency, it can be really troublesome not to have new bills on hand.

When that happens, try one of the methods I’ve introduced to turn regular bills into new ones. ♩

They should straighten out enough not to be too noticeable compared to real new bills.*

However, of course, the best option is to obtain genuine new bills from the bank!

It's highly recommended to keep a few new bills stocked at home for everyday use. ◎

➡ Check out the list of articles related to weddings you’re invited to here!*

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