Essential for a Traditional Japanese Wedding♡ How to Create Handcrafted 'Tsumami Zaiku' Using 100-Yen Store Materials*
2018.10.17 published
I Want to Make "Tsumami Zaiku" ♩
Speaking of essential items for a Japanese wedding, it's "tsumami zaiku" *
Tsumami zaiku made by folding chirimen fabric into flower shapes is very popular among brides in traditional Japanese weddings ♡
It is actively used in ball bouquets and hair accessories ♩
By the way, did you know that you can make tsumami zaiku using only "materials from 100 yen shops"?
Tsumami zaiku sold in stores can be expensive, so it would be great to be able to make it yourself with materials that can be purchased at a 100 yen shop ◎

This time, I will introduce the basic method of making tsumami zaiku, as well as how to make commonly used "tsumami zaiku ball bouquets" and "tsumami zaiku hair accessories"*
《Materials for Tsumami Zaiku》
First, let me introduce the items you will need to make tsumami zaiku ♩
☑ Chirimen (cut into squares according to the desired flower size, about 2cm to 5cm)
➡ There are also convenient pre-cut chirimen for tsumami zaiku*
☑ Glue
☑ Tweezers
☑ Colored paper
☑ Beads or pearls (for the center of the flowers)
With these five items, you are good to go* All of these can also be obtained at a 100 yen shop.
Next, I will introduce how to make it*
【Basic】 How to Make Sword Tsumami
Let's learn how to make the basic tsumami zaiku, "sword tsumami"*
Sword tsumami is a type of tsumami zaiku that has a pointed shape like a dahlia ♩
<How to Make Sword Tsumami>
① Apply glue to the edge and fold it into a triangle three times
② Apply glue to the edge of the last triangle
③ Make the number of petals for one flower
④ Cut and trim the edges of the fabric and glue it to the base
⑤ Attach beads or pearls to the center of the flower
And there you have it, the completion of sword tsumami ♩
【Basic】 How to Make Round Tsumami
Next, I will introduce how to make "round tsumami"*
Round tsumami is a type of tsumami zaiku where the tips of the petals are rounded ♩
<How to Make Round Tsumami>
The steps ① to ④ are the same as sword tsumami, from step ⑤ you will spread the petals to make them round*
① Apply glue to the edge and fold it into a triangle three times
② Apply glue to the edge of the last triangle
③ Make the number of petals for one flower
④ Cut and trim the edges of the fabric and glue it to the base
⑤ Round the tips of the petals
⑥ Shape the base as well
⑦ Attach beads or pearls to the center of the flower
And there you have the completion of round tsumami ♩
The basic flower shapes for tsumami zaiku are these two. By combining these two, changing colors, varying sizes, and layering them, you can create various items ♩
【Advanced】 How to Make a Tsumami Zaiku Ball Bouquet
First, I will introduce the method for making the classic tsumami zaiku ball bouquet*
The cute ball bouquet that matches white and colored kimonos and furisode is an essential item for traditional attire, right? ♡
《Materials for Tsumami Zaiku Ball Bouquet》
☑ Tsumami zaiku (the flowers you made)
☑ Styrofoam ball (the base)
➡ You can buy Styrofoam balls from here*
☑ Decorative cord (for the handle)
➡ You can buy decorative cord from here*