Creating a Warm Atmosphere: Key Points and Appeal of Conducting "Family Introductions" from the Perspective of the Bride and Groomのトップ画像

Creating a Warm Atmosphere: Key Points and Appeal of Conducting "Family Introductions" from the Perspective of the Bride and Groom

2018.01.02 published
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How to Conduct a Family Introduction?

"Family Introduction" before the wedding.

A family introduction is an important time to introduce your family and relatives to the other party’s family ♩

There are two classic ways to conduct a family introduction.

① The representative (usually the father) introduces the relatives.

② Each person introduces themselves.

These methods have been traditional for a long time, but recently, more new methods have emerged*

Creating a Warm Atmosphere: Key Points and Appeal of Conducting "Family Introductions" from the Perspective of the Bride and Groomにて紹介している画像

It’s Wonderful for the Couple to Conduct the Family Introduction Themselves*

Another way to conduct a family introduction is for the bride and groom to do it themselves*

In the past, weddings were often hosted by the parents, and the wedding invitations were usually sent in the parents' names, so the family introduction was typically done by the parents on behalf of the couple.

However, nowadays, many weddings are hosted by the couple themselves, and most wedding invitations are sent in the names of the bride and groom.

Therefore, it is becoming more common for the couple to directly introduce their relatives themselves*

When the couple introduces their relatives,

☑ It allows for a smooth family introduction without putting a burden on the parents or relatives.

☑ They can include special memories and personal messages in their introductions.

☑ By introducing their relatives themselves, the atmosphere becomes friendly, creating a homey ceremony.

There are many benefits to this approach*

What to Keep in Mind When Conducting the Family Introduction Themselves?

So, what should they pay attention to when they introduce their family members themselves?

Here are three things to be careful about when introducing the family:

① Inform the parents in advance that they will conduct the family introduction themselves.

If the couple decides to do the family introduction themselves, it's important to inform the parents beforehand*

Since it is standard for both fathers to conduct the introductions, fathers might be looking forward to it, so consider this.

② Confirm the relationships and names.

When introducing family members, they should say, "This is [Full Name], my [relationship: father, mother, uncle, etc.]." It can often happen that they might not know the relationship or name, especially for distant relatives or if they usually call them by nicknames, so it's best to confirm in advance.

③ Confirm the order of introduction.

When conducting the family introduction, it is customary to introduce members in order of closeness (first-degree: parents, second-degree: grandparents, siblings, siblings' spouses, third-degree: nephews, nieces, grandparents’ parents, uncles, aunts, fourth-degree: cousins, great uncles, great aunts), starting from the father’s side to the mother’s side, and by age in descending order*

It would be great if everyone could sit according to the introduction order, but since this may not always be the case, it’s good to mentally prepare the order of introduction in advance.

Creating a Warm Atmosphere: Key Points and Appeal of Conducting "Family Introductions" from the Perspective of the Bride and Groomにて紹介している画像

Using a Screen for the Family Introduction at a Family Wedding is Wonderful Too!

Couples who held a family wedding reported that they incorporated the family introduction into the reception by displaying photos on a screen while the couple introduced their relatives*

Don’t you think it would absolutely be a hit if they introduced their relatives along with nostalgic photos? ♡

Brides planning to have a family wedding might find this type of presentation wonderful ♩

Let’s Try Conducting the Family Introduction Ourselves ♩

We introduced the charm and things to keep in mind when the bride and groom conduct the family introduction themselves*

By conducting the family introduction themselves, they can avoid putting a burden on their family and relatives, and create a warm and homey atmosphere. It’s highly recommended! ♡

Relatives will likely think, "They introduced everyone so well; they have grown up nicely," when being introduced directly by the couple ◎

Consider incorporating this method of conducting the family introduction yourselves ♩

Creating a Warm Atmosphere: Key Points and Appeal of Conducting "Family Introductions" from the Perspective of the Bride and Groomにて紹介している画像

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