Catchy and Bright: The New Year Version Song from au's "Mitaro Series" CM Perfectly Fits the End Credits!

2018.01.08 published
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au's "Santaro Series" Songs Are Perfect for Endrolls!

Popular au Commercial "Santaro Series"*

Starring Momotaro's Peach-chan, Kintaro's Kin-chan, Urashima Taro's Ura-chan, and their friends from Japanese folktales, these commercials are extremely popular! ♩

The Santaro series commercials turn into a recap of last year's ads every New Year. Have you seen it?

The New Year CM features funny scenes and unreleased footage from CM aired over the past year, packed with highlights that will warm your heart. ◎

Plus, the song used in this New Year's commercial is also very popular as an end roll for weddings!

The song used in the New Year CM is an original song created for au's commercials. It features arrangements of children's songs and folk dance music, making it a friendly tune that is approachable for everyone. ♡

Even when used as an end roll, the song is familiar to people of all ages and gives off a sense of having heard it before. ◎

Now, let's quickly review au's New Year CM! ♩

au Santaro Series CM ① 2016 "Everyone is a Hero" by AI

The very first New Year CM of the au Santaro series was from the New Year of 2016.

The song was "Everyone is a Hero" by AI.*

This bright and poppy song, arranged from the folk dance tune "Oklahoma Mixer," creates a fun atmosphere to wrap up a wedding! ♡

au Santaro Series CM ② 2017 "Let's Try" by WANIMA

Last New Year's, the CM featured "Let's Try" by WANIMA. ♩

It's a song about positively challenging new things, perfect for couples embarking on a new future together.*

Guests will surely look forward to the couple's new family! ♡

"Let's Try" is an arrangement of the children's song "Picnic." ♩

au Santaro Series CM ③ 2018 "Let's Smile" by yonige

This year, the song for the 2018 New Year CM is "Let's Smile" by yonige! ♡

With lyrics that overflow with smiles like "Let's Smile" and "Ha ha ha," it promises to make a wonderful end roll filled with guests' smiles! ♡

It is an arrangement of the American folk song "When the Saints Go Marching In." ♩

Try Using au Santaro Series Songs for Your Endroll! ♩

We have introduced the songs from au's New Year limited CM of the Santaro series! ♡

The New Year CM is a recap of last year's highlights, filled with positive vibes! ♩

All of these songs are perfect for end rolls, so why not incorporate them? ♡

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