Amazing! The Perfectly Cute and Happy Moment♡ A Simultaneous Cake Cutting and Balloon Release Performance is Wonderful♩
2020.05.27 published
A Joyful Moment ♡
The "Cake Cutting" and
the "Balloon Release"
are standard performances at weddings, but...
When you do these performances <at the same time>, it becomes even more lively and fun!
Like this*
The groom and bride are cutting the cake while heart-shaped balloons are soaring into the sky around them, creating a very cute and joyful photo ♡
When to Perform the Acts?
When doing the cake cutting and balloon release simultaneously,
☑ after the ceremony and before the reception during the welcome party
☑ at the dessert buffet time
is recommended for the performance*
Typically, the cake cutting occurs after the couple enters the reception or after the toast, but if you want to do it outside at that timing, it would require a significant move during the reception.
Therefore, it's best to incorporate it after the ceremony has ended and before the reception begins or at the time of an outdoor dessert buffet ♩