"How to Create a Memorable 'Travel Itinerary' Before Your Honeymoon!"

2015.11.26 published
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Travel Companion, "Travel Itinerary" ♩

Have you ever made a "Travel Itinerary"? Many people probably made or received them during their school trips in elementary or middle school ♩

DIY "Travel Itinerary" is secretly trending ♡

Right now, there’s a surge of girls creating that nostalgic item, the "Travel Itinerary," for trips with friends or honeymoons ♩

Not only does it help organize the travel schedule, but a cute itinerary is also a fantastic item that gives you two benefits in one.

"How to Create a Memorable 'Travel Itinerary' Before Your Honeymoon!"にて紹介している画像

You can create it by hand or on a computer, decorate it with masking tape or stickers, and the ideas are endless ♩

Just holding your own uniquely designed cute itinerary will surely lift your spirits*

"How to Create a Memorable 'Travel Itinerary' Before Your Honeymoon!"にて紹介している画像

What kind of content goes inside the itinerary?

It's standard to include things like [schedule, packing list, souvenir list, travel impressions] in a travel itinerary* Additionally, some people like to introduce their travel companions and highlight tourist spots, each in their own way ♩

"Travel Itinerary" is a must-have item for honeymoons ♡

If you want to make your honeymoon a special level above regular trips, creating a "Travel Itinerary" is recommended! Let’s make a unique lovely itinerary and enjoy happy moments together ♡

First, let’s check out the appeal of the trending "Travel Itinerary" ♩

The appeal of Travel Itineraries 1* It Clarifies the Schedule!

"Where should we go next…?” “Where is that ○○…?” It’s such a waste to have a scattered trip! If you create a travel itinerary, you can organize your plans on paper beforehand, making it very convenient ♩

If you research what you want to eat and places you want to visit and write that information down in advance, you can enjoy a fun trip without any waste* Just writing down information about your destination feels exciting ♡

The appeal of Travel Itineraries 2* Helps Prevent Troubles!

By consciously keeping a packing list and schedule in mind beforehand, you can avoid forgetting items, making reservation mistakes, and misunderstanding meeting times or places.

While spontaneous trips can be fun, having an itinerary can give you peace of mind for a more relaxing time ♡

"How to Create a Memorable 'Travel Itinerary' Before Your Honeymoon!"にて紹介している画像

The appeal of Travel Itineraries 3* It's Fun to Make in Advance!

Creating a travel itinerary means you can soak up the fun mood even before departure ♡ Feel free to draw illustrations, stick on stickers, and express your unique style ♩

If you make it together with your partner, it might deepen your bond even more♩ It's sure to be a wonderful honeymoon*

The appeal of Travel Itineraries 4* Memories Stay with You After the Trip!

The biggest appeal of a travel itinerary is that it keeps memories with you forever ♡ If you save it along with your guidebook, you can look back on those happy honeymoon moments anytime ♩

It’s also a lovely idea to leave space in the itinerary in advance to stick photos in after the trip.

Next, let’s introduce some key points for making it ♩

Key Point 1 for Making a Travel Itinerary* Focus on the Cover!

It’s important to put effort into creating an eye-catching cover for the travel itinerary ♩

Including a pre-wedding photo would make it feel more like a honeymoon too♡

If you are skilled at drawing, a cute cover featuring caricatures of the two of you would be delightful ♡

Key Point 2 for Making a Travel Itinerary* Introduce the Members for Extra Fun!

Writing each other's profiles with plenty of humor will enhance the fun ♩

Sometimes writing little everyday anecdotes can be quite amusing♡

Key Point 3 for Making a Travel Itinerary* Create Rules for a Serious Touch!

Writing down travel rules and guidelines will instantly make your travel itinerary feel more professional* Decide the rules together to ensure a fun and friendly trip ♩

Let’s DIY a "Travel Itinerary" for an Even More Enjoyable Trip ♩

A travel itinerary is a versatile and cute item with lots of appeal! Making a travel itinerary with your partner is sure to enhance the joy of your honeymoon ♡

Create a wonderful travel itinerary that reflects your uniqueness for a happy trip ♩

➡ If you want to book a trip at a great deal, check out "Rakuten Travel"*

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